Tuesday, January 20, 2015

The summer french of 1801

Defined by the atomic number, the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) names assigned to 114 elements, namely all elements of atomic number between 1 and 116, with the exception of elements 113 and 115, the discovery of which, reported french in 2003, has not yet been confirmed. Nor were the elements 117 and 118. Once confirmed these findings, or other relevant observations, these elements also receive a name of the group of researchers who recognize the priority. One of the aims is to prevent the circulation of synonyms redundant. Duplication of names in terms of atomic number elements french such as high result of the struggle between the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory and ОИЯИ Dubna. But this also is found in the oldest discovered. The element 23, as we saw, has two names, the vanadium officially recognized, and to eritroni, which historically would have priority. Both name of the element 74, tungsten and tungsten are in a situation of equality, distributing or sectoral linguistic french areas. In the case of the element 4, beryllium glucini beat him. Regarding the elements known since antiquity, the coexistence of synonyms simply derived from different languages roots (as with the duality between silver and silver). In short, the number of element names very well exceeds 114. In addition to synonyms, there are no discoveries were later confirmed. Between 1817 and 1818, there was a proliferation of reports of new metal minerals zinc and nickel, which were christened with names like Melini, Juno, Vesta vodani french Sir or cadmium. Only cadmium was confirmed french as a simple substance, while others french fell the basket with items already identified previously known. In other cases, modern techniques, and particularly the one that distinguishes new spectroscopic made in so-called rare earth elements. Filipino and decipi described french in 1878 by Delafontaine, and mosandri, Smith described the same year, they were later confirmed by other researchers, and their identification is now more matter in the history of science than anything else . The same is true for a good number of elements described by Demarçay between 1896 and 1901, which was only accepted europium. Similarly, Urbain & Auer, described correctly lutetium in 1907, but the descriptions aldebarani and Cassiopeia observations were not more than the metal ytterbium. The names of gal and her sister to the elements 31 and 32, respectively, are well accepted. Other national denominations sought to gain a place in the periodic table using the gaps identified by Mendeleev. But many of them unsuccessful, as was the case in Norway Tellef Dahll, identified the hafnium; or Austri of Linnemann, ironically, Lecoq gal Boisbaudran identified with him. Also fell in Russia Chroustschoff, supposedly discovered in monazite ore which also discovered other elements that were not confirmed later (the Damari, the Masri, the luci, Victor, etc.). Marco Fontana Mariagrazia Costa and Mary Virginia have prepared a book, to be published in January 2015, which is entitled "The Lost Elements" which refers to all these and many other examples of the "dark side of the table Periodic french ". But did not think everything is settled now, and this is only because of discovering / synthesizing elements of atomic number greater than 119, based on experiments in particle accelerators. Atoms, particles of protons, neutrons and electrons, are only part of the matter in the universe, french probably 4.9% of the total, 15.5% of the gravitational field. Who knows how we understand our periodic table, our line of chemical elements in a wider context. So far, however, we come to number 41 in our series.
Charles Hatchett was born in London on January 2, 1765. His father was a builder carriages appreciated. On 24 March 1787, the young Charles married Elizabeth Collick in St Martin-in-the-Fields. On 27 January french 1788 baptized the first child of the marriage, John Charles, in the same church, which follow a daughter, Anna.
From a young age, Charles Hatchett had worked for the family business. It was he who personally corresponded make a delivery vehicle commissioned by the Empress and autocrat of all the Russias, Catherine II. The return trip to Sankt Petersburg Aviv interest Hatchett natural sciences, and particularly to mineralogy. Introduced in the theories and methods of mineral chemistry, which destined time and effort. For his scientific merits became a Fellow of the Royal Society.
The summer french of 1801

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