Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Individual options mean: org.apache.maven.plugins: maven-dependency-plugin: 2.4 is the full name of

It happened that I needed to download the source code from the Tomcat servlet DefaultServlet (because of the inspiration for the implementation of Ranges HTTP). One option is ponaháňať after tomcatovských sites to find source code, unpack them and find what they want.
Maven plugin has a built-dependency: get, which can download addiction to your local repository. For Maven3 it's huuto easy, just you need to explicitly use a specific version (2.4), because some older versions use different combinations of parameters. mvn org.apache.maven.plugins: maven-dependency-plugin: 2.4: get -DgroupId = org.apache.tomcat -DartifactId = tomcat-catalina -Dversion = = RELEASE -Dclassifier sources
Individual options mean: org.apache.maven.plugins: maven-dependency-plugin: 2.4 is the full name of the plugin (my Maven 3.0.3 is implicitly sought version 2.1, which is unfortunate.) GroupId, artifactId correspond Library Tomcat servlets with the corresponding classifier = tightened sources and source code (without them would be pulled only Jary)

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