Sunday, March 2, 2014

The Commission found that Pakistani intelligence officers stop searching for Osama bin Laden in 200

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Tags: World, Hunting Osama bin Laden
U.S. special operation units 2 in May 2011, in which Pakistan killed Osama bin Laden, has strong principles of relations between the U.S. and Pakistan. In Asian countries were due to an incident particularly unhappy, because in one night had a double blamažo, when it became clear that the most wanted man in the world with them hiding for nine years, almost six years before the nose of the Pakistani military.
Abotabadska Commission was established shortly after the killing of Osama bin Laden 2 May, 336-page report on Monday deep web pricurljalo into the hands of the Qatari Al-Jazeera media houses. The text is extremely critical of the Pakistani intelligence forces and authorities raided deep web the U.S. are labeled as an act of war. The report also reveals some interesting details about the life and hiding Osama bin Laden. Among other things, should this while strolling through the garden hideaway wearing a cowboy hat to the intelligence services would not be recognized in the radar images.
The report criticizes the political and military top terrible incompetence deep web that led to the collective denied and nine years of missed bin Laden's presence in the country and allow unhindered transmission of the U.S. Army on its territory. This action is particularly angered Pakistan. In the report, the Commission noted that raid represents a pitiful deep web failure to comply with the American Pakistani sovereignty, independence deep web and territorial integrity, such as pauses arrogant certainty deep web of military force, which is unequaled. Cheap Pakistan deep web
The Commission has found that Americans are in Pakistani airspace go unnoticed, because they have been radars deep web to detect low overflight of aircraft at the time of the incident to the west of the country deep web deactivated. Pakistani fighters departed only after the U.S. forces deep web after about four hours left Pakistani airspace. Another reason for undetected transmission of Americans introduced Lieutenant General Ahmed Suja Pasha, who at the time of the incident led the Pakistani intelligence service Isi. He said that the U.S. intelligence services penetrate deep into Pakistani deep web society. He also stated U.S. intelligence officer, deep web who said to him: "So you're cheap. Can you buy with visa, visit the U.S., dinner ... Anyone can buy. "
The Commission found that Pakistani intelligence officers stop searching for Osama bin Laden in 2005, after the CIA is no longer transmitted their data. Bin Laden was then in Pakistan for three years. In August 2005 he moved to the building deep web in Abotabadu. CIA is Isiju 2010 messages to four phone numbers which have been associated with hunting Osama bin Laden, the Pakistanis but they did not devote too much attention, because the CIA did not inform their importance. Therefore, the Commission's conclusion that the Isi of cooperation from the CIA paralyzed and in order to facilitate better deep web cooperation at Follow the leader of al-Qaeda. Grazing is also said that the CIA, Pakistan deliberately prevented finish the discovery of bin Laden, which according to its estimates, improving the image of Pakistan in the international community. Bin Laden was stopped officers
Nevertheless, it is remarkable deep web how unsuccessful the bin Laden sought Pakistani services deep web without co-operation with the CIA. This report also notes the Commission, who wonders how the local community, local authorities, police, security and intelligence services in the six years failed to detect the size and unusual shape of the building, barbed wire, which was surrounded, and the absence of cars and visitors. The report deep web also says that the building was registered as uninhabited as part of a formal review of the area, although at that time it housed as many as 26 people.
The wife of one of bin Laden hardy assistants even revealed that they were once almost deep web blown when they were on their way to the bazaar for speeding stopped by the police, but her husband quickly settle the matter and the police officer he has left to proceed. deep web
That this was not the only case when the Pakistani police deep web deliberately or inadvertently failed him, reveals the fact that the Pakistani intelligence cultivated by the same distrust of local partners, such as by the CIA to them. Grazing is said that the Isiju not like to work with the Pakistani police, because "there were too many cases to the data provided by the police issued". Friction between Obama and Karzai could end the U.S. mission in Af

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