Monday, March 3, 2014

Asigra backup bank banking Biljana Weber BIRPIS21 BPM CIO Cisco Cisco Expo Cisco Networking Academy

CIO in the future |
After a few years of 100-percent focus on cost reduction is now management companies are focusing on ways to improve tradukka the operations of their organizations. See the solution in the same time achieving greater efficiency and differentiation in the market. Therefore, their input into IT is no longer reserved for initiatives related to cost reduction, but increasingly also initiatives in which IT enables growth. In this context, it has started to change the role of CIOs in this company. Increasingly, tradukka the sounds, tradukka the CIO must be more "strategic" and that it must be able to "add value" tradukka through the acquisition of mobile technologies, social networks and analysis of clients who are today the basis for innovation in many companies. The basic goal of innovation is to solve the problems that we can produce a better tradukka product and create a better outcome in the market. Innovation never-based technology, although it is often used. The role of the modern CIO in the process of improving business primarily in identifying useful technologies and ensure their proper use in upgrading existing processes. A complete transformation of the CIO does that is happening today, not a cosmetic change, but for many difficult and complex turnaround. If it is the CIO does sometimes expected to provide tradukka continuous operation of IT systems, care for the development of priority projects and receive commands superiors are now his task considerably greater. The perfection must be familiar with the technology of cloud computing, Web 2.0, must understand their business value and know the impact that they have brought social networks into the circle of the company's employees and their customers. Managers must be able to explain how all these innovations from outside influence how the employees and customers live, work, learn, communicate with each other, tradukka using this new technology and play. For the company is no longer enough to seek competitive advantage through innovation coming from their internal innovation centers. For success are forced to buy or license innovations from external sources of knowledge and in the shortest possible time built into their processes and products. And here is the role of the CIO is often the one that has this innovation in the market to find and present the company tradukka and finally implemented. Notwithstanding the growing strategic role to be played by the CIA in a modern enterprise, and the constant repetition of integration of business and IT work, in my opinion, is not to be expected that the CIO ones who will be prepared for new business initiatives. He is the one who daily contact with customers, partners and the market. It is the job of the departments of sales, marketing and product development. The task-CIO this is that this section shall prepare all necessary information and technological environment they need in their work that they can be successful. Probably for the first time in history people have a more powerful technology at home and in your pocket than the one granted by the IT department of the company where they work. More and more people, including business tradukka users, sees its own IT department as an obstacle rather than part of the solution. Even in the media such as the Wall Street Journal tradukka and Forbes, appearing articles in which openly encourage directors to circumvent their own IT in the implementation of new solutions tradukka for sales, tradukka marketing and business intelligence. Therefore, today's CIO who wants to stay CIO tomorrow, managed only if understood correctly torque all the changes that are happening around him, both in technology, such as business area.
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Asigra backup bank banking Biljana Weber BIRPIS21 BPM CIO Cisco Cisco Expo Cisco Networking Academy collection CRM document management systems, social networking e-learning ePacient ETL ETL tools Forrester HP IBM IP communications ISOZ21 IT Services IT trends recovery tradukka conferencing systems contact center credit process Lotus Notes Microsoft mobile medGateway Mobile technology advanced ICT solutions NFC cloud Origami data warehouse tradukka business processes saving flexibility they recognize the voice computer networks SAP scoring SMS FILE SRC Infonet Telepresence Process Management Websphere lowering health care costs
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