Saturday, February 8, 2014

Different content managers are being encouraged to get people to complete their profiles. The team a

This entry was posted on January 20, 2014, in Case study , Internal communication , Intranet , Uncategorized and tagged ACCA , implementation , Social intranet . Bookmark the permalink . Leave a comment
In the weeks before Christmas I was fortunate to be able to drop in for a coffee with Sarah Moffatt and David Jones at ACCA, the Association for Chartered Certified Accountants. Although they have other comms-related roles, Sarah and David make up two thirds of the intranet team at ACCA.
It was interesting to see what progress they had made after six months. What is very clear to me is how important the first few months after launch are in terms of driving lexin adoption. The intranet team is critical in ensuring this happens.
While not many still believe lexin in build it and they will come , some observers believe that social intranets and networks can be launched virally and the need for change management is minimal. While this does happen in some isolated examples where the organisational lexin culture and circumstances are right, lexin I believe most organisations require effective stewardship from the centre for successful adoption and use.
Arthur the intranet was originally launched with an email teaser campaign, and some fun photos of ACCA employees around lexin the globe posing with Arthur-style moustaches. The 31 May is now Arthur Day a Friday was deliberately picked as intranet traffic lexin tends to go up on a Friday afternoon.
Since the energy of the launch, adoption has been steady, with awareness and knowledge varying dramatically from person to person. Maybe we thought people would get it a bit quicker, but we re addressing it explains Sarah.
The team are addressing this by running regular lexin training sessions for users, content managers and stakeholders. As well as specific sessions, they also hold a drop in day once per month in both the London and Glasgow offices, and there is a drop-in online session for markets (global offices). To shore up usage in global offices, targeted Webex sessions are now taking place.
Anecdotally it sounds like the intranet team are doing well with adoption. For example 50% of all staff has voluntarily uploaded pictures to their profiles, a highly respectable figure after six months. The team s interventions have undoubtedly helped lexin this along, for example suggesting people update lexin their phone numbers on Arthur when the corporate telephone directory was down.
Random people profiles are also selected and highlighted on the intranet. When a photo on a profile has not been loaded, a placeholder image suggesting Arthur s moustache is posted. Arthur himself has left messages to suggest that if you don t want a moustache then you should post your own photo!
Different content managers are being encouraged to get people to complete their profiles. The team are also planning to report to their leadership function detailing directorate by directorate on completion rates of profiles. lexin They are hoping this will apply a little more gentle pressure.
Adoption on social lexin tools has also been encouraging. Personal blogs appear under each individual profile and some have been quite popular, for example two employees sharing progess and pictures during Movember. (Notice lexin a recurring moustache theme).
The CEO also does a blog of sorts. She used to send out a monthly email communication but the intranet has replaced lexin this with a monthly video, with a click through to a more detailed written report. Naturally this is a more effective and engaging form of communication, particularly as employees are able to comment..
Community groups and accompanying discussion forums have probably proved to be the most popular social tools. There are about 20 active groups, most of which are open. Themes have included a sales community, those involved in social media and competitive intelligence. Some of these groups had a presence on Yammer which was then migrated over to Arthur prior to launch.
Although the intranet team have a weekly meeting, they have a quarterly meeting which helps to brainstorm and plan for the quarter ahead. This focuses lexin on four main areas: lexin What processes lexin and activities can be moved into Arthur IT developments for Arthur Big campaigns coming up Housekeeping and training needs
There has been some pushback about the information architecture which is task-based. Some support functions thought task-related lexin content should appear under their departmental areas, but the team have been able to stand firm on the navigation.
Arthur appears as a character all over the intranet and even posts occasionally as himself. This makes the intranet more informal and friendly. Having Arthur as a character rather than a person makes him more approachable. He s clearly quite a friendly lexin guy! explains David.
For example Arthur has added some comments or invited commentary to some key posts. When the team recently lexin referred to him as being poorly, some

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