Monday, December 1, 2014

There is another spiritual organization that uses Latin; in health and defense int against disease,

There is another spiritual organization that uses Latin; in health and defense int against disease, hunger, poison, evil spirits, int war and many others. If we understand the Latin language, int we compared it to the Filipino language which in our country have English Ilokano, Cebuano, Waray, zambal and much more. Latin is a Hebrew Latin, Greek and Latin, Aramaic Latin, Arabic and Latin, Spanish, Latin American Latin, Aramaic Revised Latin. The aforementioned Latin is granted by God to all who became the Savior and His Messenger as Noah, Moses, Abraham, David, Jesus Christ and many others; This is the language used in making the impossible; It will conclude Hidden Wisdom of God bestowed upon them.
Several said caution and avoid like to people using Latin, it said came from the devil. People say this thing is a reflection of ignorance of the Scriptures! If we will search the scriptures from the Book of Genesis to the Book of Revelation, there is no mention of the prophets int that the Latin is from the devil but, prophets claim that the Messenger of God itself uses Latin to heal the sick and to Latin talking to God. If we celebrate Satan tempted Jesus Christ after Christ fasted int for forty days, we read it in Matthew 4: 1-11. We notice that nothing written that Satan will use Latin against Jesus Christ, int but we have checked the hidden wisdom, Christ int himself has spoken of Latin to stop and get away Satan.
Mark 16: 16-18 mentions that believeth and is baptized will speak a different language, thus lettering: "He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved. But he that believeth not shall be damned. Believers carry this sign of power: in My name they will cast out demons, they will speak a different language, they can not tolerate int even pick up a snake or drink poison and heal the sick, and laid their hand. "We int might ask ourselves what kind so that WIKA will speak believeth and is baptized. In addition to Zephaniah 3: 9 speaks of God's word change people and given the tongue clean; "Yes, at that time I will change the language of the people, and give them a clean tongue, that they may all call upon the name of the Lord and serve him unanimously". We might ask ourselves what kind of words for God's people. In addition to Isaiah 28: 11-13 is the language be taught the Lord to his people; "Thus the Lord speaks to people through another foreign int language. Thus they will say: 'Here's the real rest for the weary.' But they did not listen. So the teaching int of the Lord is' One by one letter, int one by one line and one a lesson. "
Revelation 14: 3, refers to 'sing' to sing the 144,000 elect of God and according int to it without understanding this song except the 144,000 elect of God; "They sing a new song before the throne and of the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders. No one shall understand the song but the 144,000 redeemed the world. "In addition to Isaiah 42:10, refers to dedicate a new song to the Lord; "A new song, for the Lord is your song, the whole world will praise int him. Those people who sailed will praise him. Praise him all creatures in the ocean and coastal nations, praise him ". If we understand what is written in the above paragraph; The song consists of words or language. Revelation 14: 3; citing that only the 144,000 elect of God alone understand their song therefore int designated it has its own language that only they understand. So we may ask ourselves what kind of language do you speak of the elect.
Scripture itself proves that Jesus Christ himself uses a different language of authority; to pass, he likes to say that the phenomenon. In the book of Matthew; refers int here when Christ hung on the cross, Christ nasalita a strange language, "ELOI int ELOI lama sabachthani" and it read in Matthew 27:46. In the time of Jesus Christ as Savior and Messenger; God declared him the name and the language ELOI God taught him Latin Aramaic; This is the key to possess the power to make Jesus phenomenon. Mark 5: 41-43, binaban

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