Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Biography The Life of Prayer about Saint Luke Praise Professor surgeon Voyno-Yasenetsky links Ortho

Biography The Life of Prayer about Saint Luke Praise Professor surgeon Voyno-Yasenetsky links Orthodox shop "Reese" at the Church of the Annunciation in Petrovsky Park Orthodox Internet-shop bader "Grains" movie Temple Temple in honor of St. Luke (war-Yasenetsky) in Vyksa Luke Temple Voyno-Yasenetsky Berezniki Crimea Parish in honor of St. Luke (war-Yasenetsky) opened in Hameln Russian Church of St. Luke Voyno- Yasenetsky bader at City Hospital 54 Moscow to build a temple on the territory of Clinical Emergency Hospital (Emergency Hospital) in Voronezh Ukraine Chapel in honor of Saint Luke of Simferopol and Crimea Sumy
Biography The Life of Prayer about Saint Luke Praise Professor bader surgeon Voyno-Yasenetsky links Orthodox shop "Reese" at the Church of the Annunciation in Petrovsky Park Orthodox Internet-shop "Grains" movie Temple Temple in honor of St. Luke (war-Yasenetsky) in Vyksa Luke Temple Voyno-Yasenetsky Berezniki Crimea Parish in honor of St. Luke (war-Yasenetsky) opened in Hameln Russian Church of St. Luke Voyno- Yasenetsky at City Hospital 54 Moscow to build a temple on the territory of Clinical Emergency Hospital (Emergency Hospital) in Voronezh Ukraine bader Chapel in honor of Saint Luke of Simferopol and Crimea Sumy
With the blessing of Metropolitan of Simferopol and Crimea Lazar November 3, 2014 in the charity project bader "Gallery" Art and charity "" an exhibition dedicated to the life and work of St. Luke (V.F.Voyno-Yasenetsky) - Archbishop of Simferopol and the Crimea, a prominent surgeon.
The exhibition used photographs, memoirs of contemporaries, memoirs saint - a diary notes, a wide range of well-known under the name "I fell in love with suffering ..." recorded in Simferopol in 1958, private secretary to St. Luke E.P.Leykfeld. Also shows the individual exhibits of the Museum of St. Luke, which is located on the territory of the Holy Trinity Monastery in Simferopol, a selection of literature devoted to the saint. Daily planned film show. By viewing bader the exhibition organizers prepared a film directed by L. Bohr "The meeting with the holy. St Luke (VF-Voyno Yasenetsky) "from the series" Orthodox Saints. " bader
The opening bader ceremony began with a prayer before the icon of St. Luke. With pastoral remarks were made by the Assistant Dean of the Sevastopol district Archpriest Stefan Slomchinsky. At the opening ceremony attended grandniece of St. Luke Maya Prozorovskaya who answered bader numerous questions from the guests.
Latest posts icon of St. Luke Voyno-Yasenetsky brought to the Kuban Monuments V.F.Voyno-Yasenetsky (Archbishop Luka) Chapel patron of medicine prelate Luka opened in Cheremhovo in the Irkutsk Region Church bader of St. Luke in the Crimean Syktyvkar exhibition "St Luke Crimea" presented in Sevastopol
Recent Posts icon of St. Luke Voyno-Yasenetsky brought to the Kuban Monuments V.F.Voyno-Yasenetsky (Archbishop bader Luka) Chapel bader patron of medicine prelate Luka opened in Cheremhovo in the Irkutsk Region Church of St. Luke in the Crimean Syktyvkar exhibition "St Luke Crimea" presented in Sevastopol

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Tuesday, December 30, 2014

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Monday, December 29, 2014

You will be always aware of our new acquisitions.

I had to combine his priestly ministry with lectures at the medical cr faculty, who came to listen to in a variety of other courses and students. I read a lecture in a cassock with a cross on his chest while (1921-1923 years) was still possible the impossible now. I stayed and chief surgeon of the Tashkent city hospital because he served in the cathedral on Sundays ...
In addition, I had a period cr of two years often lead public debate with a variety of students with renouncing God Archpriest Lomakin, a former missionary diocese of Kursk, who headed the anti-religious propaganda in Central Asia.
Typically, cr these debates ended derision apostate from the faith, and believers would not let him pass the question: "Tell us, when you lie: when he was a priest, or lying now? "The unfortunate blasphemer of God was afraid of me, and asked the organizers of the debates rid him of" this philosopher. "
One day, unknown to him, the railroad invited me to his club to participate in a debate about religion. In anticipation of the debate I was sitting on the stage when the curtain is down and suddenly I see - up on stage stairs my usual opponent. When he saw me, very embarrassed, muttered: "Again this doctor," bowed and went down. First he said at the debate, but, as always, my speech completely defeated all his arguments, and the workers gave me a loud applause.
Detractors accident on the Holy Spirit has come true scary words of the psalmist David's death is cruel sinners. He became ill with cancer of the rectum and the operation it was found that the tumor has grown into the bladder. In the pelvis soon formed a deep, extremely fetid cavity filled with pus, feces and urine and swarming multitude of worms. cr Enemy of God came to the extreme bitterness of their suffering, and even party nurses assigned to care for him, could not bear his rage and curses cr and refused to care for him.
An Orthodox Perspective is published by St. Luke ed .: The Crimean (war-Yasenetsky). Autobiography. I fell in love with suffering. M .: Publisher Sisterhood of St Ignatius of Stavropol, 2013 Tags: blasphemy
You will be always aware of our new acquisitions.
blasphemy of the Holy Passion holidays Paisius Patriarch Alexy II Virgin accident health post the way of salvation against it. Andrey cr Tkachev TV movie Life of mind. Dmitry Smirnov Criticism Church cr Worship Ukraine Priesthood War Problems Church Patriarch Islam Children Metropolitan Anthony Mission Church cr family shrine of St. homosexuality death. Ignatius Brianchaninov Poll Ivan Ohlobystin Confessions of preaching the Bible sorrow suffering Archdeacon Andrei Kuraev cr young monk sin Eucharist prayer Orthodox abroad policies miracle sect Athos Evenkiya Parish cr life in the world
Trade Worth portal femina ladies define ('LINKFEED_USER', '257891656b4f1f9be03d19d9bbba9e209b0e8674'); require_once ($ _ SERVER ['DOCUMENT_ROOT']. '/'. LINKFEED_USER. '/ linkfeed.php'); $ Linkfeed = new LinkfeedClient (); echo $ linkfeed-> return_links (); Articles
Latest News Christmas without Christ majority of Germans believe that Christmas has lost its religious significance "When long peer into the abyss, the abyss begins to stare at you" LIH kill Christians in the huge number of messages on the occasion of the patriarch St. Nicholas and the action "Day of mercy and compassion cr for all of the bonds in the prison located" Nicholas - the saint orthodoxy without which we can not imagine modern miracles of Saint Nicholas' Russian god "

Crimean and Ukrainian authorities have not agreed cra on the supply of water

Of / Aqmescit (QHA) - The Crimean farmers Yalta onion third day can not enter the territory of Ukraine. About this QHA is informed by one of the owners Jakub Nurmambetov.
According to the Crimean businessman, Ukrainian border guards refuse to pass the machine with the goods on the territory of Ukraine, commenting on the decision that "Crimea is an occupied cra territory."
- People cra are outraged, because cra as citizens of Ukraine can not enter the territory of the country. We intend to stay the course until they just do not drawn in tow, because they have nowhere to go back, give them all the same, that throw a product that was able to grow with great difficulty. This summer, there were problems with irrigation, due to the overlap of the North Crimean channel, entrepreneurs hardly grow these products. People in despair, this small business is feeding their families for nearly 15 years - said Jakub Nurmambetov.
Entrepreneurs have contacted the chairman of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people Refat Chubarov. Head of Majlis promised to help deal with the situation and ordered the members of the Mejlis to address this problem. cra In particular, the issue will deal with Head of the Department of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol Omer Aslan Kyrymly, chairman of the regional Mejlis in the Kherson region Hasan Aliyev, cra Deputy Chairman of the Majlis Ahtem Chiygoz and CEC head Kurultay of the Crimean Tatar people Zaire Smedlyaev.
Crimean and Ukrainian authorities have not agreed cra on the supply of water
Latest news Il'yasov: This year has been for me, "you ..." Russia-Culture cra "show ... In the Crimea, the tournament was held in Greco-Rome ... to save the lake Chokrak for East ... Aksenov:" Krymenergo "did not respect ... 10 families of Crimean Tatars handed on ... Putin signed the law on bankruptcy ... In Sudak have collected a record Gingerbread ... Ukraine has increased the supply of electricity ... In the Crimea expected bad weather ...
Related cra News In Sudak have collected a record gingerbread Christmas tree in the Crimea expected cra deteriorating weather conditions on the Kerch ferry expected increase cra in wind Russia will supply Ukraine coal at a discounted price Kerch ferry again does not work due to bad weather
Most Read News Most Popular Videos cra Most popular photos Kadyrov wants to go to the Donbass "kill devils" cra Medvedev in Ukraine saw a potential enemy of Zimbabwe will share his experience being under sanctions from the Crimea Crimean Tatar leaders met with Poroshenko series "Russian character": about the Crimea, Bandera and Moskal Putin responded to the words of the world Pugacheva Putin: Crimean Tatar language was never a state Videos eliminate terrorists in the Press House in Grozny congress cra of the public movement "Qırım" Chapter BO "Fund" Crimea "Reese Shevkieva accused of smuggling 95 years the hero of the defense of Sevastopol cra Hatice Iclyamovoy In Simferopol honored famous artist Zarema Trasinov
Il'yasov Policy: This year has been for me "vykru ... to save the lake to the east ... Chokrak Aksenov:" Krymenergo "did not comply with ba ... 10 families of Crimean Tatars handed horde ... In Yalta, held the traditional" Frost-Pas ...
Economy cra Putin signed the law on bankruptcy fi ... Ukraine increased supply elektroene ... In the Crimea were not allowed 3.5 tons of Ukrainian ... The PMI Russia in December fell at once ... In Kiev, held an auction for the sale of ...
Society in Sudak collected cra a record gingerbread ... In the Crimea expected deteriorating cra weather ... on the Kerch ferry expected cra Wuxi ... Russia will supply Ukraine coal ... Kerch ferry again does not work ...
Science / Technology cra Crimeans deprive Skype, Gmail and Windows? cra To develop a draft network tsifrovogoT ... From the Crimea to the Kuban offers to build ... Crimean government has found an investor ... In Bakhchisarai will be another lecture ...
Tourism, Turkey has changed the rules of entry for the ro ... In Sevastopol cra opened South Residence ... Winter in Bakhchisarai area rest ... Falcon cra and Ai-Petri connect rope ... Aksenov gave the command to actively gotovits ...
Sport In Crimea, the tournament was held in Greco-Roman ... The government nationalized the football bases ... Crimea want to make a development center in ... Aksenov promised to find sponsors for ... Cirrus defended the Intercontinental title ...
Culture / Arts "Russia-Culture" will f ... In Simferopol commemorated Idris ... A Crimean Tatar Museum cra of Art - 15 ... He died a famous musician Joe Cocker In Evpatoria passed carnivals ...
Incidents in Chechnya demolished house in the slain terrorist Ukraine ceased to pass the time ... In Simferopol on Kuban burned boutiques on the Kerch ferry will vet ... In Sevastopol cra missing 16-year-old girl
Cemil education in Turkey participated in the si ... In Crimea, discussed ways of islams ... Cemil will participate in a symposium ... MoE Kazakhstan has prepared a draft program ... Lviv university introduced special Stipe ...

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Chives, which is commonly known as chives, characterized by soft texture and mild flavor. Outwardly

Popular varieties of onion | My favorite aggeliopolis summer residence
Farming equipment Weeding Choose your style plot to grow a garden plant Actinidia Grapes Vysokovitaminnye Gumi Honeysuckle Kalina Seabuckthorn Rowan Rosehip Decorative edible culture japonica Saskatoon Chokeberry stone fruit Apricot Cherry Plum culture Shrub Red currant Gooseberry Raspberry Blackcurrant pome fruit Apple Plants Agapanthus Ageratum Adenium Aglaonema Alokaziya Amaryllis Araucaria Hydrangea Pomegranate Guava Graptopetalum Grevillea Guzman Davallia Dizigoteka Dipladeniya Dieffenbachia Cactus Care without the hassle of Phalaenopsis Landscaping Lawn in the country elements of the landscape Alpine hill News Hardware Tips and Tricks for giving pond with his hands Preparation for construction Construction pond Recipes domestic preparations Jams and Syrups Garden flowers Biennials Pansies Decorative Privet shrubs japonica Weigel Hydrangea Daphne Bloodroot Oregon Grape Almond Rhododendron Rose Lilac Spirea forsythia chubushnik Liana honeysuckle Siberian knyazhiki bulbous and tuberous plants Anemone and ranunkulyus Begonia tuber Dahlias Gladiolus Crocuses Lily Perennials Aquilegia Aconite Arunkus Astilba Astra Badan Cornflowers Windswept Delphinium Irises Knifofiya Bells Globe-meadowsweet Daylily Lupin Mallow Hellebore Stonecrop Primula Rogers Daisy Rudbeckia Jacob's Ladder aggeliopolis Phlox Host Chrysanthemums Eremurus Astra Annuals Snapdragon Petunia planted in the garden Eggplant green and spicy taste Basil plant Bitter salads Qatran Lovage Marjoram Melissa Mint borage spicy salad Parsley Rhubarb Lettuce Celery Thyme Dill Fennel Horseradish Spinach Sorrel Cereals and Legumes Beans Peas Corn Soybeans Sunflower Beans Broccoli Brussels sprouts Cabbage Ornamental Cabbage Kohlrabi Leaf Savoy cabbage Cauliflower Potato Chinese aggeliopolis magnolia Root Rutabaga Daikon Radish Carrot Parsley root Radish Turnip Beet Celery root Scorzonera Stahis Jerusalem artichoke Onions and garlic Luke Garlic Pepper Rare culture Pepino Sunberry physalis strawberry Tomato Pumpkin cultures Watermelon Melon Squash Kavbuz Lagenaria Cucumber tladianta Pumpkin Fertilizers for garden greenhouses Productive Use Types of greenhouses greenhouses greenhouses coating Location and layout designs of greenhouses Types Conifers Spruce Pine Juniper Cedar Thuja
All we add the onions to eat white onion or decorate aggeliopolis festive dishes his bright green feathers. But there are many other useful and tasty varieties of onions, which we'll aggeliopolis talk today. Experiment with different varieties and types of onions aggeliopolis - you are sure to find the species that you enjoy the taste is much more than a traditional onion, besides, he will surpass him and other indicators.
Some varieties of onions valued for earliness, others - for excellent productivity, and others - for the perfect taste properties. There are cold-hardy species that grow in the short summer. Certain types of onions are suitable for juicy and fragrant bulbs, others - for forcing the greenery.
9. onion chives, etc.
Chives, which is commonly known as chives, characterized by soft texture and mild flavor. Outwardly, it resembles a green grass with pink-purple flowers and small bulbils. Usually used as food only green, but also flowers and you can eat, and use them as an elegant decoration for salads. The taste of chives is lost during heat treatment, so it is only suitable for decoration of dishes.
Chives can be grown at home, but we must remember that cats love to feast on them - Place the plant in an area where pets can not reach it. Seeds are sown in boxes in April - their crop is produced in the grooves, which are covered on top with peat or humus. The first year of the greens are not cut off, and all care is timely watering and periodic loosening the soil. For the second year bow feathers can be cut and eaten.
Cooks all over the world appreciate this bow for delicate sweet taste and wonderful fragrance - it is often added to the gourmet delicacies, sauces and fillings in French cuisine. In the food can be eaten and bulbs, and rich greens. Remember that the bulbs is very difficult to be cleaned, but this fact does not detract from the merits of this variety of onion.
Excellent keeping quality, early maturity, high cold resistance - these factors are further advantages compared with the shallot onions. aggeliopolis Even the temperature of -10 ...- 15 C is not terrible for shallots.
The most suitable varieties for the climatic conditions of Russia are: Kuban yellow, Siberian Yellow, Emerald, Family, aggeliopolis Sprint, Grasshopper, Offseason (this variety suitable for growing at home).
Shallots are planted in soil in early spring as soon as the snow melts, for zelenog

The Church of the New Martyrs Church Social Service in the modern world of universal Orthodoxy Cont

The temple was built in 2009 on the territory thought catalog of spetspredpriyatiya "New Generation", which for two decades has been education and socialization of young people who have committed offenses or in difficult thought catalog situations. The temple is open to everyone every day from 9 am to 19 pm. Schedule of Services thought catalog
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The Church of the New Martyrs Church Social Service in the modern world of universal Orthodoxy Contemporary Art in the Church Family values Sermons Kitchen Lives of the Saints thought catalog of the Orthodox peoples Christian Ecology
The prophet Hosea "
The Holy Apostle and Evangelist Luke, a native thought catalog of Antioch in Syria, and

Saturday, December 27, 2014

As we have seen, today for this sport - archery - in our capital created almost all conditions. And

News Analysis Fundamentals of Belief Belief Islam Quran Hadith msp and its sciences and science Fiqh - Islamic law Hanafi Madhhab Shafi'i school of Sufism Sufism Scientists and Supplication to Allah personal history Prophet Muhammad Prophet Companions spiritual mentor Scientists msp rulers of Islam A Muslim children in Islam We All about Islam
Open Championship Makhachkala archery will be held in the capital of Dagestan from 14 to 16 December at the stadium "Trud". The organizers of the tournament was the company "Risalat holding" with the support of the Ministry of Sport RD.
Take part in the tournament can be anyone, msp both men and women. To do this, you must apply to the store "Risalat" or contact the club "Olympus", located on the territory of the stadium "Trud" msp in Makhachkala. It is worth noting that in the competition for the first time will feature msp three types of weapons: the classic Olympic bow, bow sports block and traditional. According to the organizers, the championship is held to the development and promotion of the sport in Dagestan.
For amateurs and professionals involved in archery, the company "Risalat" set up shop "Archer" in Makhachkala with all necessary equipment. Now, our athletes will be able to easily acquire all the necessary msp equipment for archery.
As we have seen, today for this sport - archery - in our capital created almost all conditions. And who knows, maybe in the near future Dagestan athletes, archers will be able to achieve the title of world and Olympic level in this age-old msp Caucasian sport.
In Sweden, a mosque was set on fire by unknown
The Companions
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Friday, December 26, 2014

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Debatable and depends largely on the type and climatic conditions. Be sure to ask your dealer about

Planting of winter ias onion | Agriculture Gazette
At the word "winter" at once an association with grain or garlic. But now gaining its popularity onion planting before winter. Winter onion Onion able to give an early harvest, he does not go to the arrow, and in the fall, anyway, more time than spring.
- When planting onion crop before winter onions can be harvested in early summer, and even in late spring. For those who have a small garden - it's just a juicy greens early, and for entrepreneurs who grow onions for sale - a serious argument, because a great bow ripens two months earlier than usual;
Debatable and depends largely on the type and climatic conditions. Be sure to ask your dealer about the timing of planting. If you buy winter onion Onion grandmothers ias on the market - they certainly know something, when his land. In addition, the bow completely suitable for your climate - usually because their grandmother, local =)) So, if you are not afraid of re-grading, feel free to resort to such an option.
Usually onion planting Seva before winter takes place after the first frost weak. Ideally, you want to plant winter onions for a few weeks before freezing land - so it is firmly asleep before the end of winter. But, as to predict such times is difficult, usually thrown from the middle of October to the middle of November. As soon noticed that the temperature set at the minimum positive mark - hold the landing of winter onion. Planting of winter onion How to choose the onion for planting before ias winter?
Sort winter bow before planting - it is more important than it might seem at first glance. Need to take only small onion bulbs of winter Seva: the secret is that the small Seva, respectively, a small supply of nutrients, and bolting forces have "baby" is not enough. This will protect ias your winter onions from unnecessary shooter even when spring frosts.
Therefore, for planting before winter onions bulbs take only up to 0.5 cm, in extreme cases - up to 1 cm. If you decide to plant onions Onion before winter and a diameter of up to 0.5, and up to 1 cm - make different beds to seedlings were aligned.
- For a hundred lands designated for winter onion Onion, a rate of about 1 kg of urea - the plants will spend the winter in the cold ground and need extra nutrition. Not bad, if you can make 2 kg of potassium chloride before boarding (you can - while loosening) and phosphate fertilizers - they help winter bow quietly through the winter.
- Do not forget to follow the rotation. So, as a precursor to bow before winter give preference to cabbage, lettuce, cucumbers, carrots, tomatoes, beans, beets. But potatoes, parsley, celery - bad onions Seva predecessor before winter. Planting onions for winter
To do this, the loose earth and make the beds with aisles furrows about 15 cm. Sevok disembark at a depth of about 4-5 cm (no less - is not got to frost and spring onions are bared), the distance between the bulbils - 4-10 inches (depending the size of bulblets).
Next winter planting onions just sprinkled the ground, and with the onset of cold weather - mulch. In this case, not only warms the mulch, fertilize, but also delays the snow on a winter planting onions Seva. But do not hurry with mulch - You do not need to bow went to the growth of the winter, so do not do the greenhouse. If you are afraid of frost - make a small layer of mulch (up to 5 cm), and with the onset of cold weather increase it to 10 cm.
And now we offer you a video on proper planting winter onions Tatyana ias Kuzmenko, a member of the editorial board of the online publication Sobkor "AtmAgro. Agriculture Bulletin" As far as the information was useful for you?
Recent Entries insemination of cows. Hunting cows Verkhovna Rada amends the terms of the lease farmland to kindergarten in Rivne region 11 people were infected with salmonella livestock producers will return 50% of the costs for the construction of a farm in the Azov and Black seas diminished haarder Kiev to host New Year agricultural fairs postpartum paresis cows 4tonny spoiled sausage in the Poltava region of -this blackouts in Kiev for 40 cents more expensive bread, meat prices in Ukraine rose by 2 times
The official residence of Peter Poroshenko, the President of Ukraine, now instead of natural gas will be used firewood. In a sanatorium in the Forest-Vodice and in the residence "Zalesie" have already switched to heating with wood. In ...
century wine growing mushrooms Animal Day grain potatoes compost feed cows milk oil onion oil meat milk manure vegetables fruit fruit shoots field poly tomato planting soil venture plant plants diet horns garden seeds sugar content of cheese peat fertilizer duck harvest fruit export fruit eggs

Thursday, December 25, 2014

You have a cold? You have a runny nose and a cough? gallup Cheer up you and use simple folk recipes

You have a cold? You have a runny nose and a cough? gallup Cheer up you and use simple folk recipes. They will help you smoothly, besides all of them are great kids. Just some witchcraft! But jokes aside.
1. Onion juice is a miracle cure for cough and cold. You do not even believe it, with what pleasure the children will drink this cough syrup and cold. Onion juice also helps if there are problems with appetite and digestion. How to cook it? See instructions below:
In it you and wrap a bow. If you apply it to the inflamed areas, you must make sure that the warm compress, not hot. If you apply it to the ear of the child, it is better gallup to fix it with a bandage.
Raw onions also prevent hair loss if it is a paste of fresh onion rubbed gallup into the scalp A bow is still wonderful to cope with the discomfort caused by insect bites. Rub the place on your skin - and itching like a hand lift.
Our grandmothers used these recipes and our hurt less. I think we should try them. Yes, the treatment will last longer, but the results you will be pleasantly surprised, and you begin to use only these recipes. Be Healthy!
14 foods that you just stored properly, or how to extend the life of the product.

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

It is best suited for its cultivation light, allshare rich in organic matter, moderately moist soil

Growing onion sets: preparation, planting, care
Despite the fact that onion Onion is now available in the shop without any problems, many gardeners continue to grow onion Onion seed, sow them in early spring or a winter. And the whole secret to getting a good harvest Seva lies in the proper preparation allshare of seeds, choosing a location and competent care for plants in summer. Preparation of seeds
Onion seeds should not be older than two years, and it is better to use only fresh seeds as they germinate very slowly and usually have low germination. Therefore, before sowing them should be checked for germination. To do this, take 20-30 seeds and keep them in a moist cloth for 2-3 weeks.
For this purpose, seeds are soaked in warm water for 24 hours. The water is then drained and the seeds were incubated for 2-3 days in a moist tissue at room temperature. Thus it is necessary to make sure that the fabric, in which the seeds are wrapped, was constantly wet. Method is simple and reliable, but there are more efficient ways to prepare onion seeds.
Method number 1 "Bubbling seeds." Seeds bubbled for 24 hours, and then etching in a 1% solution of potassium permanganate for 45 minutes at room temperature.
To do this, the seeds are placed in a jar with water and a hose fed back finely atomized air compressor from the aquarium. The seeds are lightly dried to flowability and sown immediately or continue their further training.
Method number 2 "Seed treatment." Seeds of onion etched in a 1% solution of potassium permanganate for 45 minutes, allshare then soaking the seeds for 18 hours in a solution of "Alpin" (2 drops per 100 mL of water) at room temperature.
Method number 3 "Heat treatment of seeds." Onion seeds treated in hot water at 50 C for 25 minutes followed by cooling in cold water for 2-3 minutes. Then, soak seed for 18 hours in a solution of "Alpin" (2 drops per 100 mL of water) or "zircon" at the same concentration, ambient temperature, allshare and then seeding.
After the seeds of onions, in any way, they poured in a gauze bag, tied him and put on 24-30 hours a saucer of water at room temperature, which varies in 6-8 hours. They were then spread allshare in a thin layer between a wet cloth and leave in a warm place for another 2-3 days before onset of individual seedlings. Thus it is necessary to make sure that this fabric was constantly wet. Selecting a location for planting and soil preparation
For the cultivation of onion sets are selected, dry area, located on a hill, so it warms up quickly in spring, with fertile soil of light. It is important that the chosen site was illuminated by the sun all day, which is often overlooked gardeners, sowing it under trees or near tall vegetable plants.
It is best suited for its cultivation light, allshare rich in organic matter, moderately moist soil. Therefore, carefully dig the beds in the fall, after making a 1 m 2 for half a bucket of compost and polupereprevshego ventilated peat, 1.5 cups of wood ash, 1.5 st. spoons of superphosphate and potassium sulfate.
It is not recommended to make fresh manure directly to growing onion sets. Manure allshare to the plants precursor. The best precursors for onion - cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes, beans, potatoes.
Clayey soils in autumn digging should additionally make 1 bucket of river sand and two liter cans stale brown sawdust, pretreated with a solution of urea, while in acidic soils, lime make depending on the acidity of the soil.
In the spring, as soon as the soil dries out a bit, make a 1 m 2 area for 1 teaspoon of ammonium nitrate, the soil loosened to a depth of 10-12 cm, forming low ridges where the soil is always better allshare than warming up. This is especially important if your site is located at a low and humid place.
Then it is necessary to align the flower bed and tamped surface, because the beds lumpy seeds are embedded in the ground unevenly allshare and will then shoots thick, then thinned. Then a bed sprinkled with hot water (+ 50-55 C) and close the film (preferably black) for 2-3 days, so that the earth warmed. Sowing seeds of onion
First of all, in the garden it is necessary to mark the rows. For this purpose the edge of a bed 10 cm to recede and make grooves along three beds 6-7 cm from each other, and then back down to 15-18 cm and removed

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

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Monday, December 22, 2014

Rating of Russian regions for quality of life 12.22.2014 11:00

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In the north-east of the island, in the ancient town of Mellieha, on the wall of a cave Apostle Luk

Bible New Testament, the Gospel of the Old Testament prophets of the Bible Notes of Interpretation of the Bible translator Andrei Andrei Desnitsky Details Desnitsky Biblical textual Biblical reading the Bible every day in Russia to read the Scriptures in the world Orthodoxy Orthodoxy Russian Orthodoxy in Europe Orthodoxy in America Orthodox Christianity limundo in Japan China Orthodoxy in Russia Ingushetia History International History History of the Church Culture Literature What to read What to read to children Music Theatre Cinema
"Light", "light", "glowing", "luminous", "born at dawn" - as translated into Russian Latin word Lux and formed from him the name Lucas , or Luke. Name Luca, like many other names come to Russia from Byzantium, together with the adoption of Christianity. After all, among the Greeks is the Latin name - Λουκᾶς - popular. But not in the popularity of the name of the case. One of the most revered Christian saints, that name was Luke the Evangelist, Apostle of the Seventy. The day of his memory of the Russian Orthodox Church honors limundo on October 31 (October 18 st.stilyu). Both branches of the Christian Church Apostle Luke is revered not only as an evangelist, but also as the first painter and patron of artists.
Curiously, it is the international limundo name in nearly all languages sound the same, with the only difference that the sound "L" in the name is sometimes softened to "L'". Therefore, in the English, French and Italian we get Luke and Luke, with the accent on the last syllable. In some languages, such as Spanish, Portuguese, Polish, Czech retained consonant at the end of the word and the name sounds like Lucas and Lucas. In the vastness of our country in the name of Luke was common variant Lukyan.
We can not provide conclusive evidence of the popularity of the name throughout the history of Russia, though, if only because no one tried to count the number of men with the name Luke. However, one of the very well-known and common limundo Slavic surnames remains Lukin surname and its variants, such as Lukashenko, derived from the name of Luke. What could be more convincing?
Another proof of the popularity of the name Luke in Russia can serve as protection of the Emperor Paul I, the Order of Malta, or rather was the result of this popularity. It would seem that, where is the connection?
According to the Life, about the sixties BC off the coast of Malta wrecked ship on which the apostle limundo Paul and Luke were sent to Rome, to the court of Caesar. A miracle happened. Despite the terrible storm and the loss of the ship, all on Alexandrian ship sailors and travelers saved. There were about three hundred. All of them stayed limundo on the island for three months. People headed by the Apostle Paul settled in a cave near the ancient city of Mdina. Later, over a cave temple was built with three altars in honor of the Apostle Paul, St. Luke and the Apostles Trofim and Aristarchus. Paul became famous on the island continued to preach, evangelize, founded the first Christian limundo community, led by the Roman governor Publius (also addressed by the Apostle Paul). Luke also left a man-made memory.
In the north-east of the island, in the ancient town of Mellieha, on the wall of a cave Apostle Luke painted the image of the Virgin limundo and Child. This fresco the whole world knows the name of Our Lady Mellihskaya. Soon, murals started to happen limundo miracles. Still later have built over the cave temple, but to the miraculous image began to flock to the people. The flow of the faithful does not stop for almost two thousand years, it does not cease to be proliferating and miracles of healing, through which all being well. But where is the connection to Russia, and the name of the Emperor Paul, once again I want to ask a question?
In the middle of the XVI century, Malta became the center of the Knights of ion exchangers, among other islands, it was transferred to the knights "in perpetuity" Holy Roman Emperor Charles V. In Malta moved not only Master of the Order with his knights, were transported here and shrines that rytsari- Crusaders carefully guarded against Muslims. Among other shrines was Filermskaya icon of the Mother of God.
According to legend, this image was painted by the Apostle Luke during the life of the Virgin, about 46 AD The house St. St. John the Evangelist St. Luke was sitting right in front of the Blessed Virgin and wrote her face. The apostle did not part with this icon for a long time. He had it with him, and in Greece, and in Galiii, and in Egypt, and Libya, where converted pagans to Christianity. It is known that Filermskaya icon, probably limundo after the death of the holy apostle, having appeared in Antioch, prebyvalaya here for over three hundred years. Then the icon was brought to Jerusalem, and in the V century on the orders of the Byzantine Empress Eudoxia in Constantinople, where he was kept in the Blachernae church until 1203. Then the icon was again in Jerusalem, and now carefully guarded by the Crusaders, which moved her to Malta. Here was erected a chapel in the town Filerm, which gave the name of the icon. Icon

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Averincev, Sergey nondogmatism about. Alexander (bruises) amorality Anderson, Paul Metropolitan ant

Home About Questions, Answers Contacts primavera concept of ideology, liberalism, Marxism Renovationism Ukrainian autocephaly Unia People Portrait Gallery Video Library of the Index on the Index Symbols Chronology Photoillustrations Download World of. Alexander Schmemann Cv. Tikhon of Zadonsk. The Cell letter to Archbishop. primavera Theophan of Poltava News Links Book poison Pearl consciousness Archive - 2013 Archive - 2012 Archive - 2011 Archive - 2010 Archive - 2009
Because of the military in the area of ATO in the south-east of the country constantly receives requests for their priests, the Department of Defense sends requests to the religious organization on a business primavera trip there clerics. But priorities puts a very peculiar - the priest said in an interview published today in the newspaper "NG-religion."
So, according to him, from the Uniates and schismatics in parts ukronatsistov Donbas present several dozen clergy and the UOC, which is the largest religious organization in the country, the request was sent to only one priest.
A. Luke (Vinarchuk), although this he said in an interview, did not give up and joined the charity fund "Resistance Movement" ("Ruch support") together with the schismatic "archpriest" Nicholas Salabay, Protestant "bishop" Anatoly Kozachko and priest Vitaly Bezshkurym.
The fund was established by Yulia Tymoshenko and her party "Fatherland" to accumulate donations for the war against primavera Russia and Russian. "Ruh support" has already created primavera two volunteer connections: battalions of "Fatherland" and "Ruh support".
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Averincev, Sergey nondogmatism about. Alexander (bruises) amorality Anderson, Paul Metropolitan anti-modernism. Metropolitan Anthony Bloom. Anthony (Khrapovitsky) Antonin Granovsky Arsenyev, Nikolai Sergeyevich about. Afanasyev, Nikolay Patriarch Athenagoras I Baader, Franz Baguim, Dmitry (former. Martyrios abbot) of. Balashov, primavera Nikolai Vladimirovich Barabanov, Eugene Bea, Augustin proteins, primavera Eugene Hristoforovich Boehme, Jacob Berdyaev Nikolai Ber-Sizhel, Elizabeth's Biblical Theological Institute of St. Andrew the theology of icons Bonhoeffer, Dietrich on. Borisov, Alexander Ilyich about. Upland, Vitaliy M. Boyarsky, Alexander Brotherhood primavera Brotherhood of St. Sophia "Candlemas" Buevsky, Alex S. on. Bulgakov, Sergei Nikolaevich Bukharev, Alexander Matveyevich primavera (former. Archimandrite. Theodore) Bychkov, Sergei Sergeyevich Patriarch Bartholomew I Vasilenko, Leonid Ivanovich Archbishop. Basil (Krivoshein) Vvedenskii, Alexander Ivanovich primavera about. Veniamin (Novik) Visser-Hooft World Council of Churches Second Vatican Council Vysheslavtsev, Boris about. Gakkel, Sergey Met. George (Khodr) Arch. Herman Aav Archbishop. Thyatira German monk Gregory (Circle) "Danilovtsev" Desnitsky, Andrew S. on. Dimitry (Pershin) dogmatic development Dostoevsky, Fyodor primavera Mikhailovich Dugin, Alexander Gelevich "Spiritual Foundations of Life" Yevdokim Meschersky Evdokimov, Pavel Met. Eulogy (George) on. Egorov, John F. Eremina, Vera about. Stomachs, Sergey "Life with God" Zander, Lev about. Zelinsky, Vladimir Kornelievich primavera about. primavera Zenkovsky, Vasily Zёrnov, Nikolai Mikhailovich about. Zeno (Theodore) on. Iannuary (Ivliev) Ivanov, Peter K. Bishop. Ignatius (Midich) Patriarch Ignatius IV ideology Ilovaiskaya-Alberti, Irina A. Ilyushenko, Vladimir Ilyich Innocent (Pavlov, Sergey) Met. Archbishop John of Pergamon. John (Shakhovskoy) about. John (Ekonomtsev) Nun John (Reitlinger) Metropolitan irrationalism. Kallistos (Ware) Kalomiros Alexander about. Karpenko, Dimitri V. Kartashov, Anton en. Cassian (BEZOBRAZOV) Catechism "God is alive" primavera about. Cyprian (Kern) Clement, Olivier Kopirovsky, Alexander about. Kochetkov, George Seraphimovich Krekshino, Andrei (ex. Abbot Ignatius) Kuhlmann, Gustav Gustavovich about. Kuraev, Andrei V. Kyrlezhev, Alexander Kierkegaard, primavera Soren on. Lapshin, Vladimir N. Lowry, Donald Lepahin, Valery lzhemissionerstvo of liberalism. Liperovsky, Lev Losev, Alexei primavera Fyodorovich Lossky, Nicholas Onufrievich magic Marxism Freemasonry mass culture mass of religion. Meyendorff, John Fe

Saturday, December 20, 2014

On the bookshelves flipboard of my grandmother, a professor of epidemiology, always stood a lot of

Unusual doctor and bishop - St. Luke Voyno Yasenetsky: You can not love and compassion! flipboard | Dobro dosli na Internet prezentaciju srpske dijaspore
Pages Adresar dijaspore News Contact About sa nama different urednikom flipboard Srpske Novine Kategorien Kategorien -ŠTA JE TO LEGASTENIJA- (11) AKTUELNA VIDEOPOEZIJA DUŠANA NONKOVIĆ (11) AKTUELNO (10.160) NUDIM-TRAZHIM (10) On јednom place (15) Nemachki-Deutsch ( 1.248) English (845) GALERIJA SLIKA (3) Gegen das Vergessen (protiv zaborava) (144) Grčki (15) KNJIŽARA I BIBLIOTEKA (4) Linkovi (23) Literatura (1.371) MEDICINA (154) nemački-deutsch (9) ODBIJENI KOMENTARI flipboard PolitikeOnline Beograd (9) Poezija "Tijane Trklja" (6) Poezija Dušan-a Nonković (144) POEZIJA LJUBAVI I NADAHNUĆA flipboard (593) Privreda (1.521) Ruski (185) Sport (104) SRBI SVET HLEBOM A SVET SRBE KAMENOM! (5) Srpske Novine (7.672) Srpstvo (7.234) Umetnost (311) Uncategorized (8) v (2) Vesti (7.750) video-filme (1.579) ŠTA JE TO LEGASTENIJA (1) Archive Dezember 2014 Oktober 2014 November 2014 September 2014 August 2014 Juli 2014 Juni 2014 Mai 2014 April 2014 März 2014 Februar 2014 Januar 2014 Dezember flipboard 2013 Oktober 2013 November flipboard 2013 September flipboard 2013 August 2013 Juli 2013 Juni 2013 Mai 2013 April 2013 März 2013 Februar 2013 Januar 2013 Dezember 2012 Oktober 2012 November flipboard 2012 September 2012 August 2012 Juli 2012 Juni 2012 Mai 2012 April 2012 März 2012 Februar 2012 Januar 2012 Dezember 2011 Oktober 2011 November 2011 September 2011 August 2011 Juli 2011 Juni 2011 Mai 2011 April 2011 März 2011 Februar 2011 Januar 2011 Dezember 2010 Oktober 2010 November 2010 September 2010 August 2010 Juli 2010 Juni 2010 Mai 2010 April 2010 März 2010 Februar 2010 Januar 2010 Dezember 2009 Oktober 2009 November 2009 September 2009 August 2009 Juli 2009 Juni 2009 Mai 2009 April 2009 März 2009 Februar 2009 Januar 2009 Dezember 2008 Oktober 2008 November 2008 September 2008 August 2008 Juli 2008 Juni 2008 Mai 2008 April 2008 März 2008 Februar 2008 Januar 2008 Dezember 2007 Oktober 2007 November 2007 September 2007
On the bookshelves flipboard of my grandmother, a professor of epidemiology, always stood a lot of books. For categorical junior medical student almost all of them seem archaic, hopelessly outdated and completely unnecessary. Does not fit into the new campaign books with beautiful illustrations and a glossy cover, do not collect dust. Among this ironically ridiculed "the scientific paper for recycling" was a worn volume of small size with the old-fashioned name "Sketches of purulent surgery", and the only visible my dignity - 1934 year edition. All the talk about the fact that this book "is flipboard written by Voyno-Yasenetsky!", And that "she brought from Tomsk!" Did not produce the desired impression: flipboard I studied the hygiene department, and was not going to engage in medical business. Why waste time on unnecessary surgical Me "Fiction" did not want to.
"You should not have not read Voyno-Yasenetsky! Without flipboard it you will not become a real doctor. flipboard " Even the argument of his actions are not conceived. I do not know when our house was gone this book, but much later, when it is held for specialists and could not find an old copy of the signed by the author. Incredibly sorry as sorry that is not questioned my grandmother all the details of a short visit of the famous surgeon in the Siberian city of Tomsk.
Who books and articles about the Holy Luke, Archbishop of Simferopol and Crimea Professor Valentin F. Voyno-Yasenetsky written much. They are different and in depth understanding of the greatness of his Christian heroism, and to assess the events of his complicated biography. I'm walking down the road Tomsk St. Luke, trying to find and understand the components of the soul and character that a good surgeon, a professional did a great healer.
Man is born, does not choose talent. This spark, which is given by God. But you can dispose of it in different ways. You can squander, walk and throw. You can on the contrary, vain reveling in his own genius to leave everything in yourself, nothing and no one is paying. Or hide and hoard, covetous flipboard directing abilities on personal enrichment. Especially that all ages in the confrontation between Good and Evil, "I" shouted that it was the only way to happiness. The most difficult, with all the responsibility of a Christian, flipboard give talent people, having gone through difficult infinite inner work and self-improvement, recognizing that such a life is not worldly goods, money and fame.
Very young, war-Yasenetsky made his choice, subordinating flipboard the life of one formula: "I do not have the right to do what I like, but is obliged to do what is useful flipboard for those suffering people." Path in medicine was not easy. Unusual Valentine's giftedness flipboard in drawing led him first to the St. Petersburg Academy flipboard of Arts, then in Munich in a private art school professor Knirra. But the painting as Study at the Faculty were only a stage of the Earth's path. Comprehending the process of artistic creation, the war-Yasenetsky seen in models for pictures n

Friday, December 19, 2014

Best photos TASS 2014: Sports

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Saturday, December 6, 2014

Jesus Christ used Aramaic and Latin Talitha kumi Ephphatha when he raised the dead and heal the Dea

This topic is designed specifically for men or women who seek the oraciong the potion or other oraciong defense and treatment. lifo Many who asks how to enable a oracion or if it works? This topic will serve as guidelines for those who wish to study the hidden wisdom.
The Latin has different classes. Filipino same word; it has cebuanao, Ilokano, Pampanga, Tagalog and much more. As well as the Latin; There Greek Latin, Latin Spanish, English Latin, Arabic, Latin Latic Aramaic, lifo Latin and Aramaic lifo Revised much more. Each class has a Latin pronunciation rules and guidelines and how it enabled.
1. Correct pronunciation Using oracion, very important the correct pronunciation. When the error is pronounced a oracion; like someone trying to open the lock but using the wrong key. Ie, a oracion not work when you do wrong pronunciation. If you get a oracion; ask what you gave it; What is the correct pronunciation of it.
a. The word "JESUS" is seen in almost all classes of Latin, but it has different ways of phrasing depending on Latin this fall or inclusive. Varieties of latin Jesus spoke to Jesus - "He gosh". In others, it pronounced JESUS - "DYE-SUS". Sometimes it is spoken Iesus - "IYE-SUS".
b. If Latin is composed of consecutive vowels (aeiou) or consonant (bkdghlmn ...). Syllable is pronounced by it or sometimes it loads consonant to pronounce it correctly or still depend includes its rules of Latin. The Latin "IUDAEORUM"; other rules of pronunciation; It is pronounced "IU-DA-EO-RUM". - Pronounced syllable by it. In other rules it's pronounced "IYU-DA-YE-WO-RUM" - adding consonant. In other rules it's pronounced "JU-DA-YE-WO-RUM" - the first letter "i" in the word makes the letter "j"
If you notice the samples; you have seen and this symbol is "+". The use of the symbol has deep meaning and used it deliberately. First, it preserves the sacredness of Latin. Secondly, that it not be used by other people especially those who have a plot of both.
1. Make a "sign of the cross". In Latin "+++ NEMINE TRITARUM ..."; can say its the sign of the cross three times. Sign of the cross; it can only hand gestures or mention lifo the language: "ET IN NOMINE PATRI FILII SANCTO ET SPIRIT" or "CRUX SANCTI Pater Benedicte".
2. Literally the word "cross / crux / cross". Be the meaning of "+++ NEMINE TRITARUM ..." is "CRUZ CRUZ CRUZ NEMINE TRITARUM ...".
Mark 5: 41-43, citing it as a phenomenon that Christ; where she is nourished for a dead woman. Thus lettering "41 lifo He took her by the hand and said to her," Talitha kumi! "This means: Little girl, I say unto thee, Arise. 42 Immediately the girl stood up and walked. He was twelve years old. Overwhelmed people. 43 Jesus strictly warned lifo them not to let anyone know. He also said that they give the girl something to eat. "In the above passage we notice that Jesus Christ himself will use Divine Words Talitha kumi to revive the dead. In addition to Mark 7: 33-34 Jesus Christ will use again a Divine Word Ephphatha lifo when he healed the Deaf. "I put Jesus first in most of the men, and put his fingers in its ears. Then he spit and put it on the tongue of the dumb. Jesus looked up to heaven and sighed. Then he commanded the ear of the man, "Ephphatha!", Which means, "Be opened!"
Jesus Christ used Aramaic and Latin Talitha kumi Ephphatha when he raised the dead and heal the Deaf. Try afford to get out of a Deaf and mention the word "Ephphatha"; So do you think it recover? If you say nothing; Christ came and I was just ordinary people. The question I have is this: He p

Tingnan ang aking kumpletong profile

We had our workshop in Vibe Dance Studio. We signed up for Hip-hop and Latin. Our schedule was very hectic at first because our Latin schedule was M-W-F while our Hip-hop schedule was T-Th-S. So basically, I always dictionar leave the house early, go home late and prepare again for the next day. Sunday is my only rest day. The exercises and the activities were very strenuous but I got the hang of it. I really had fun and I met a lot of friends too. I also became more flexible (not just physically, but also in my schedules). I regretted not doing this or having these classes earlier since we had a cheer dance last school year but whatever. IT'S NEVER TOO LATE TO DANCE! :))
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▼  2014 (18) ►  October (1) ►  August (13) ▼  July (4) Good food, Good life > Summer Hip-hop-Latin Workshop Boracay Sepanx Pt. II Boracay Sepanx ►  2013 (14) ►  October dictionar (8) ►  July (6) ►  2012 (32) ►  November (2) ►  October (2) ►  September (4) ►  August (7) ►  July (15) ►  June (2)

Friday, December 5, 2014

apologetics site APOSTOLIC AUTHORITY AND succession Best Catholic Links: Apologetics Catholic Answe

This brief article pabuhagay the truth whatever the teaching of Holy Church Of these Latin Language used in the Mass and other prayers. There is never an old CFD wiggle if he heard this theme. I do not know, and he CFD actually always had so much opposition LATIN. Should not oppose the Latin language? or Pnalipdan hold it? The answer is accessed Pope Paul VI in his "sacrificium tie" in 1966 he said, "LATIN dict leo LANGUAGE IS assuredly WORTHY OF BEING defended WITH GREAT CARE INSTEAD OF BEING scorned." Clearly evident PANALIPDAN that LATIN not ridiculed or upbraided as the CFD supposed to wiggle theme of Latin.! Some say he stopped as Latin did not understand it true? Hope Church document that stopped the use of the Latin? The Church teaches that "THE USE OF LATIN LANGUAGE, WITH DUE RESPECT TO PARTICULAR LAW, IS TO BE preserved IN THE LATIN RITES (Sacrosanctum Concilium dict leo # 36). stopped or been preserved? oyyy ... noy heritage basurahana hope you got that stopped the Latin language? what you bulilyaso noy! The former dict leo Pope Emeritus Pope Benedict XVI said "THE BETTER KNOWN PRAYERS OF THE CHURCH'S TRADITION SHOULD BE recited IN LATIN" (Sacramentum Caritatis # 62). So the Church gaawhag us in the training dict leo of Latin prayers like the Our Father! I stated ana noy but SANTA CHURCH Catholic dict leo Apostolic ROMANA stated it! why are you angry manka? cheap and oiled! If we are going to practice the English language with a universal language, how much more we train our study official language of the church is the latin? so slow that we practice the language. Praise God !!!!
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01. Bro Septofel rush MY PRAYER FOR CHARLES NERTOFEL AND SEPTOFEL ad JR 2008 THE BIBLE IS obscure KAY pursue USING THIS IS A SINNER dict leo MAN? DECEMBER 25 IS BORN OF OUR LORD? SATAN'S SPIRIT ENTERING THE CHURCH TO TEST THE MISCHIEF OF THIS ABOUT THE SOUL SOUL ON Food-ON MARIA - Immaculate CONCEPTION MARIA - Seed of the Woman and brood of vipers MARIA - ALWAYS virgin Mary - Why the Catholic blessing nagbulahan to Santa Maria ? Quality of the True Church SANTOS OF TRADITION Señor Santo Niño THE SCANDAL OF THE 13TH CONCLAVE OF CFD SAN CARLOS dict leo Chapter TOES THE CHURCH IF preach access dict leo BANNED AND BIBLE SETAS?
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Referenses Bible - King James Version King James Bible - Good News Bible - Greek Bible - King James Bible With Strongs Dictionary Bible - King James Reference Bible Bible - La Biblia Reina-Valera - Sacred dict leo Name King James version Bible Douay Bible King James Bible Apocrypha Bible-Latin Vulgate Bible - Good News Bible-KJV Cebuano CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Chronological Lists of Popes DAILY GOSPEL English-Latin translator Haydock's Catholic Bible Commentary Latin Vulgate Bible Sacra Roman Catholic Church Roman Catholic Church History dict leo Roman Catholic Church, Catholicism The Documents in The Council of Trent
Succession PRESIDENT dict leo OF CFD 01. Bro Justing Artillaga 1976 - 1980 02. Bro Winifredo Alabate 1976 - 1980 03. Bro Filomeno Rabacal 1990 - 1992 04. Bro Arthuro added 1992 - 1994 05. Bro Simeon Caballero 1994 - 1996 06. Bro Antonio Caldoza 1996 - 1998 07. Bro Alren C. Gamao 1998 - 2001 08. Bro Alfredo Espirancilla 09. Bro Eugenio Mendez, 2005 - 2008 10. Bro Septofel rush 2008 - 2013 11. Bro Alvin Aba 2013 - 2014 12. Bro Simeon Caballero - 2014
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Thursday, December 4, 2014

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What category is this ? Latin or Standard? | Jonathan In Manila
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Hey Guys, Another Good Vibes Video today. It is all about the Legal Wife. The Legal Wife was a 2014 Philippine melodramatic family drama...
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Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Bukod dito, may pitong talampakan din na malalaking alon sa lungsod ng Iquique, Chile na siyang sent

Tsunami btob alert tinanggal na sa ilang lugar ng Latin America matapos btob ang 8.2 lindol sa Chile | DWDD
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Bukod dito, may pitong talampakan din na malalaking alon sa lungsod ng Iquique, Chile na siyang sentro ng malakas na pagyanig.
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Tuesday, December 2, 2014

The more you worry, the more you'll hurry to the cementery. God bless you, Mama Mary loves you. Me t

The more you worry, the more you'll hurry to the cementery. God bless you, Mama Mary loves you. Me too. -Fatima Soriano I am a proud member of the UNIVERSAL LIVING ROSARY ASSOCIATION and the CHILDREN OF MARY S. Philomenae , Virgo et Martyrum, ora pro nobis!
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Monday, December 1, 2014

There is another spiritual organization that uses Latin; in health and defense int against disease,

There is another spiritual organization that uses Latin; in health and defense int against disease, hunger, poison, evil spirits, int war and many others. If we understand the Latin language, int we compared it to the Filipino language which in our country have English Ilokano, Cebuano, Waray, zambal and much more. Latin is a Hebrew Latin, Greek and Latin, Aramaic Latin, Arabic and Latin, Spanish, Latin American Latin, Aramaic Revised Latin. The aforementioned Latin is granted by God to all who became the Savior and His Messenger as Noah, Moses, Abraham, David, Jesus Christ and many others; This is the language used in making the impossible; It will conclude Hidden Wisdom of God bestowed upon them.
Several said caution and avoid like to people using Latin, it said came from the devil. People say this thing is a reflection of ignorance of the Scriptures! If we will search the scriptures from the Book of Genesis to the Book of Revelation, there is no mention of the prophets int that the Latin is from the devil but, prophets claim that the Messenger of God itself uses Latin to heal the sick and to Latin talking to God. If we celebrate Satan tempted Jesus Christ after Christ fasted int for forty days, we read it in Matthew 4: 1-11. We notice that nothing written that Satan will use Latin against Jesus Christ, int but we have checked the hidden wisdom, Christ int himself has spoken of Latin to stop and get away Satan.
Mark 16: 16-18 mentions that believeth and is baptized will speak a different language, thus lettering: "He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved. But he that believeth not shall be damned. Believers carry this sign of power: in My name they will cast out demons, they will speak a different language, they can not tolerate int even pick up a snake or drink poison and heal the sick, and laid their hand. "We int might ask ourselves what kind so that WIKA will speak believeth and is baptized. In addition to Zephaniah 3: 9 speaks of God's word change people and given the tongue clean; "Yes, at that time I will change the language of the people, and give them a clean tongue, that they may all call upon the name of the Lord and serve him unanimously". We might ask ourselves what kind of words for God's people. In addition to Isaiah 28: 11-13 is the language be taught the Lord to his people; "Thus the Lord speaks to people through another foreign int language. Thus they will say: 'Here's the real rest for the weary.' But they did not listen. So the teaching int of the Lord is' One by one letter, int one by one line and one a lesson. "
Revelation 14: 3, refers to 'sing' to sing the 144,000 elect of God and according int to it without understanding this song except the 144,000 elect of God; "They sing a new song before the throne and of the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders. No one shall understand the song but the 144,000 redeemed the world. "In addition to Isaiah 42:10, refers to dedicate a new song to the Lord; "A new song, for the Lord is your song, the whole world will praise int him. Those people who sailed will praise him. Praise him all creatures in the ocean and coastal nations, praise him ". If we understand what is written in the above paragraph; The song consists of words or language. Revelation 14: 3; citing that only the 144,000 elect of God alone understand their song therefore int designated it has its own language that only they understand. So we may ask ourselves what kind of language do you speak of the elect.
Scripture itself proves that Jesus Christ himself uses a different language of authority; to pass, he likes to say that the phenomenon. In the book of Matthew; refers int here when Christ hung on the cross, Christ nasalita a strange language, "ELOI int ELOI lama sabachthani" and it read in Matthew 27:46. In the time of Jesus Christ as Savior and Messenger; God declared him the name and the language ELOI God taught him Latin Aramaic; This is the key to possess the power to make Jesus phenomenon. Mark 5: 41-43, binaban