Biography The Life of Prayer about Saint Luke Praise Professor surgeon Voyno-Yasenetsky links Orthodox shop "Reese" at the Church of the Annunciation in Petrovsky Park Orthodox Internet-shop bader "Grains" movie Temple Temple in honor of St. Luke (war-Yasenetsky) in Vyksa Luke Temple Voyno-Yasenetsky Berezniki Crimea Parish in honor of St. Luke (war-Yasenetsky) opened in Hameln Russian Church of St. Luke Voyno- Yasenetsky bader at City Hospital 54 Moscow to build a temple on the territory of Clinical Emergency Hospital (Emergency Hospital) in Voronezh Ukraine Chapel in honor of Saint Luke of Simferopol and Crimea Sumy
Biography The Life of Prayer about Saint Luke Praise Professor bader surgeon Voyno-Yasenetsky links Orthodox shop "Reese" at the Church of the Annunciation in Petrovsky Park Orthodox Internet-shop "Grains" movie Temple Temple in honor of St. Luke (war-Yasenetsky) in Vyksa Luke Temple Voyno-Yasenetsky Berezniki Crimea Parish in honor of St. Luke (war-Yasenetsky) opened in Hameln Russian Church of St. Luke Voyno- Yasenetsky at City Hospital 54 Moscow to build a temple on the territory of Clinical Emergency Hospital (Emergency Hospital) in Voronezh Ukraine bader Chapel in honor of Saint Luke of Simferopol and Crimea Sumy
With the blessing of Metropolitan of Simferopol and Crimea Lazar November 3, 2014 in the charity project bader "Gallery" Art and charity "" an exhibition dedicated to the life and work of St. Luke (V.F.Voyno-Yasenetsky) - Archbishop of Simferopol and the Crimea, a prominent surgeon.
The exhibition used photographs, memoirs of contemporaries, memoirs saint - a diary notes, a wide range of well-known under the name "I fell in love with suffering ..." recorded in Simferopol in 1958, private secretary to St. Luke E.P.Leykfeld. Also shows the individual exhibits of the Museum of St. Luke, which is located on the territory of the Holy Trinity Monastery in Simferopol, a selection of literature devoted to the saint. Daily planned film show. By viewing bader the exhibition organizers prepared a film directed by L. Bohr "The meeting with the holy. St Luke (VF-Voyno Yasenetsky) "from the series" Orthodox Saints. " bader
The opening bader ceremony began with a prayer before the icon of St. Luke. With pastoral remarks were made by the Assistant Dean of the Sevastopol district Archpriest Stefan Slomchinsky. At the opening ceremony attended grandniece of St. Luke Maya Prozorovskaya who answered bader numerous questions from the guests.
Latest posts icon of St. Luke Voyno-Yasenetsky brought to the Kuban Monuments V.F.Voyno-Yasenetsky (Archbishop Luka) Chapel patron of medicine prelate Luka opened in Cheremhovo in the Irkutsk Region Church bader of St. Luke in the Crimean Syktyvkar exhibition "St Luke Crimea" presented in Sevastopol
Recent Posts icon of St. Luke Voyno-Yasenetsky brought to the Kuban Monuments V.F.Voyno-Yasenetsky (Archbishop bader Luka) Chapel bader patron of medicine prelate Luka opened in Cheremhovo in the Irkutsk Region Church of St. Luke in the Crimean Syktyvkar exhibition "St Luke Crimea" presented in Sevastopol