Tuesday, July 15, 2014

The philosophy tea fame d

The philosophy tea fame d'tangle truck, és a dir, fer-us pitxa a mess. The pitxa a mess és tot the begin of philosophizing, or unconscio Conscient NEXT. Aquest és per my sentit of the veritable philosophy, desembolicar the truck, trying to contribueix morfix descobrir allo-fer us pitxa a mess.
Joe Green always wanted to change the world. I wanted to change at age 17, when he was the kind of kid who was presented and won the election for the school board of his native Santa Monica (California). And still wanted to change it when he came to Harvard in 2002 and met the two most influential men in his life: his teacher, Marshall Ganz, a famous political scientist morfix for his studies on the power of the collective, and his roommate, a New York dry and introverted whom he had known in the Jewish fraternity morfix and named Mark Zuckerberg.
"Ganz taught me a lesson I've used all my life: politics is to mobilize communities," recalls Green today. "And communities are built with relationships." Politics equals relations, in short. The second part of this lesson would teach Zuckerberg. morfix The New Yorker had created a website morfix called thefacebook.com that had attracted the attention of an unusual number of people. So much so that Zuckerberg and other roommates had decided to leave college to go to Silicon Valley, in California, to do business. Green chose to stay. I wanted morfix to volunteer in the presidential campaign of Senator John Kerry. I wanted to meet with workers from Kentucky and write a thesis morfix on economic inequality in America. I wanted to indulge in the classic and noble tasks of man coming away.
A year later, Kerry lost the election and Zuckerberg was poised to become the definitive icon of digital culture. Facebook had created a community of over one million people and had no overtones of braking. At the end was dry and introverted kid, not the bright and vocational, which had changed the world in their own way. "That was part of the lesson I was to learn," Green admits. "Politics morfix are relationships and relationships are on the Internet." His mind turned their frustration on one goal: had to put Mark Zuckerberg in politics.
Silicon Valley is a physical place, located in the California desert between San Francisco and San Jose. But like all magnetic U.S. enclaves like Hollywood or Wall Street, is primarily an idea: technology as revolution. It comes from birth, when companies like Hewlett-Packard and Intel settled morfix headquarters there in the fifties and filled with engineers and other middle-class workers in Science. Until the mid-sixties, the U.S. was a kind, optimistic place. Simple. It was the perfect place to be fascinated by the technological culture time. The country had not stopped growing since World War II. The hippie counterculture morfix was talking about utopias morfix and Star Trek and Asimov, interplanetary travel, flying cars and underwater cities. The second generation of dreamers who settled there, and in the seventies and eighties, included Apple and raised with these messages. The technology will, by itself, the Earth a better morfix place.
That idea remains alive even today, with technology obsession turned into global business and first order (when bought WhatsApp Facebook last month, the transaction, valued at 13,800 million euros, proved to be one of the largest in history, in purely economic terms). Silicon Valley has noticed: the houses costing $ 125,000 today then worth two million. The University morfix Avenue that formerly housed outlets and hardware morfix stores has welcomed morfix Google, Facebook and PayPal, three of the largest technology companies morfix in the world. Hundreds of workers are millionaires, and fifty, billionaires. But the idea remains. He speaks of having led the Information Age, as important as the Industrial Revolution change. The Zuckerberg prided itself morfix in 2008 that Facebook could end terrorism: Muslims enough that you requested friendship Christians. Obama visited the offices of the company years later and an engineer refused to stop working to listen. "What morfix I'm doing is more important than what any government can do," he argued. Silicon Valley morfix seems enamored of the term to change the world.
This optimism permeates the media and networks, which hold their breath every time Apple introduces a new device or whenever morfix a smartphone application threatens to change our routine. Has recently gone through Snapchat, an application that lets you send photos destruct before reaching unwanted eyes. "People in

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