Thursday, May 29, 2014

5 Necessity of y-axis label on a line graph?

Why do histograms portaportese not have spaces in between portaportese bars (as opposed to a bar graph)?
**In specific if you are determining how many trades happened each day or each month for a stock which one is better. I think there should be space but i still have some doubt because its not really a bin. **
In reading portaportese the linked article, my takeaway is that the key difference portaportese is that a histogram is the individual sums that make up one complete whole. Not having a gap helps (IMHO) make that clearer and differentiates it from a bar chart (which usually portaportese isn't showing parts of a whole, but comparing separate wholes). In the end, though, it's perhaps a matter of semantics to decide how to best present particular data. –  DA01 Apr 22 at 18:33 add comment
In the top histogram you've presented, the X axis is time, which is continuous in this context (it is divided to 10 minute bins, but the original data could have been in resolution of seconds, milliseconds, nanoseconds and so forth).
The way such histogram is derived is they probably had many samples, portaportese say 50,000 visits. It makes no sense to present a bar per visit time - the data will be useless; like if 900 users spent 1:42, nobody spent 1:41, and 800 spent 1:40 on the site. The average is much more important. So in this case, the samples were ordered and averaged into bins. In the graph you've provided, each bin represents 10 minutes.
You could, in theory, portaportese replace this histogram with a bar graph, where the first bar would have an X value of 0-10 minutes, the second 10-20 minutes, and so forth. But the problem would be that you'd have 10 minutes sealing one bar and opening portaportese another (which makes no sense). So you'd have to change it to 00:00-10:00 minutes for the first bar, 10:01-20:00 minutes for the second bar, and so on. Which would be valid if your samples are down to a second resolution (if not, you may have to use 10:01:01 portaportese or all sorts of long time formats). It is much easier to show this on a histogram. The bar-chart
It depends - if it's 'days of the week' you present (say, server load per day of the week), a bar chart would be appropriate. But if you show traffic of a site over 5000 days, it is likely that averaging into bins (ie, weeks) and using a continuous X axis (histogram) is the way forward. –  Izhaki Apr 23 at 19:47 add comment Your Answer
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5 Necessity of y-axis label on a line graph?
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